Hello loyal blog followers!
I simultaneously can and also cannot believe that it has been such a long time since I've written anything! I've been doing a lot of traveling recently and am now back in my apartment in Graz! I'll try to get caught up on old posts that I might have missed as well. Stay tuned for my trips to places such as Berlin, Prague, Auschwitz, and a whole lot of Italy.
You may remember one of my posts where I detailed my skiing experiences and how I'm absolutely terrible at skiing. I decided to give that another shot one weekend! This was March 24th-26th.
I took ski lessons once again, but it went a little differently this time.
So here I am, it's my second time on a ski lift ever.
This high in the air!
I didn't notice, but one of my ski poles got caught in the lift. As we were getting off (or supposed to at least) I was caught in the top part of the ski lift but unknowingly, tried to ski off anyway. I fell really hard forward and my pole came loose, but in the process I twisted my knee. (Graceful, I know.) This all happened quite fast but what happened faster was the next group of people trying to get off the ski lift behind me. They were about to, essentially, ski over my face and all looked horrified.
Me, with my knee still twisted, laying in the snow and with my skis still attached to my ski boots, had to crawl out of the way, twisting my knee even further but the alternative wasn't much better. I finally got myself up and was freaking out. I was incredibly glad that I didn't get more seriously injured but was very certain that I wouldn't be able to ski for the rest of the day. I expected to be mad that I couldn't ski, but as I was on the lift back down, I felt weirdly relieved.
I reflected on this for a while, why I would be glad to have been slightly injured, when I realized that I don't actually like skiing.
I know. After a lot of money spent and another day of lessons and ski rentals staring me in the face, I realized that I'd rather hike and sit in the snow than ski. So I took it easy the rest of the day and the next day went back to the mountain, this time only doing what I actually wanted to do.
During my last ski trip, I had wondered if I really like skiing or was just doing it because it was an "experience" that I wanted to try. After three days of it last time, I was moderately relieved when it was over. This time I barely lasted a day.
Maybe everything is worth a shot once or twice. But I realized that I shouldn't spend time on things that don't genuinely make me happy, even when seemingly everyone around me was having the time of their lives. Maybe this is just coming from the mindset of someone who only has a few months left here, but I think it's important to spend time doing things that you actually want to do. (Excluding responsibilities, you know what I'm saying. Don't use this as an excuse to not take out the garbage!)
When I finally spent time on the mountain relaxing and walking around and eating a lot, I found myself to be much more at peace and grateful for my experiences, even if it was not what anyone else there was doing.
This weekend not only made me realize this seemingly obvious lesson, but also allowed me to meet some really great people (who I can hopefully just hang out with and not ski...)
And now...the pictures! Hope you enjoy these courtesy of the new camera I got for Christmas from my parents!
See you in my next post!
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