Remember that time I bragged about being super on time? Yeah that ship sailed approximately two weeks ago, but luckily has returned. Or at least we hope so.
So I'm gonna be filling you in on my week from two weeks ago, the 10th to the 17th.
As I said last time, I had a visitor!! I'm going to keep it a secret for a little, but we'll get there.
But! He didn't show up until Friday, so for the rest of the week.. I honestly just took it easy! Watched a lot of TV and slept. The watching Netflix part was a mistake, but we'll get there next week.
Remember when I was registering for classes and felt really proud of myself because "hey at least I have a marketing class which will be helpful for completing my Business minor?" yeah. well. Didn't quite pan out that way.
How it did pan out was I got wait listed for that class and was told to go to said class. It was at 8:15 am (which is at least a few hours too early to be awake) and was ready to show this wait list who is going to do the waiting. But what ended up happening was I lost track of time, missed my bus, got very lost on the way there and was around half an hour late to the class. Praying that everyone else thought it would be too early, I decided to walk in anyway, sweaty and incredibly nervous (not that that's new).
The professor was mid-lecture. Oh god. He stopped mid-sentence and said, "Hi there. Name please?" I felt 30 pairs of eyes on me and my eyes must have bulged out of my head.
"Uh. Kim... Toich. T-o-i-c-h." Nailed it. It was better than I could have expected out of panicky, sleepy Kim.
The professor looked at a piece of paper I assumed was the roster, then looked confused and something seemed to dawn on him. He looked up with a half-smile and said "You're on the wait list, aren't you."
I managed to get out a "yeah" but mostly just coughed a lot.
"Sorry, but there are no more spaces left, if you stay on the wait list, you'll be more likely to get this class next semester." I thanked him and left. No class and being up early means you get to go back to bed.
and WELL. There goes that academic plan. But the good news is I might maybe get that class next semester...hooray?
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On a significantly less sad note, more food adventures!
On Thursday I got some udon noodles. I opted for veggie udon noodles because I like to pretend I'm healthy and in really good shape. You would have probably believed that too, had I not said anything.
ALSO got some amazing Tiramisu while I was waiting for my special super secret mystery guest.
This bakery has been across the street from my apartment building and I never thought that I should go and get some cake. I am not perfect.
BUT I got to pick up Mike after!!!!!!!! He has been travelling through Europe since early October and wanted to visit me! I'm sure the free housing didn't hurt.
The most obvious thing I had to do was to get him some wiener schnitzel. Like what else were we supposed to do?
And he totally loved it! Who am I kidding, OF COURSE he did.
The next day we went to the farmer's market! (and I did too for the first time)
From my tram stop and here's it up close and personal:
There are so many stands! It's really cute. My main problem was that it was hard to understand some of their accents. I would say my German at this point is getting pretty good, however some of the Austrians there had really thick accents and stuck to them. But I made it through and that's what counts!
We spent the rest of the day napping and watching Modern Family because sometimes it's a good idea to take a break from life! But then we broke that by going to my friend's birthday party later that night. Here's us and my aforementioned fellow American, Hailey.
When in doubt, mirror selfie it out.
The next day, we went to the Opera House! I hadn't been yet, but we went to Tristan and Isolde, which was incredibly long.... but also incredibly cheap! So we decided to go. A smart thing to do would have been to look up a summary before hand because it was in German and I was pretty lost.
but the Opera House itself was incredible! It made me feel like an idiot for wearing jeans. But in my defense, it was laundry day.
the interior was even better somehow, as if that's not enough of a postcard.
Later that night, we climbed to the top of Schloßberg, which I mentioned in my first blog post I believe. I do not have any good pictures because it was about 9pm when we climbed it.
And afterwords, like real American citizens, we went to McDonald's.
![Image result for america mcdonalds](
And no I have not tried the waffle fries yet. but I do want to. I also found out you can buy beer there! Which again, so weird to me.
The next day we decided, why not go to Hallstatt? So we did just that. And we climbed to the top of the mountain behind the cute little village. And this place is SO CUTE. It honestly looks so cute I think it's fake.
In this set of three pictures, I want to make it clear how great of a photographer I am by placing my finger slightly over the camera EVERY. TIME. Hire me for your weddings.
I believe that the reason the first two are almost identical is because I realized my finger was slightly in the picture and then tried to redo it.
Anyway we had to cross that lake to get into the little town and the lake was amazing.
And then we got there. and again, SO CUTE.
So anyway, we decided to climb to the top of the mountain that you see in the background of the first picture. Mike is in significantly better shape than I am, but I did my best. Also turns out that the reason I was so bad at hiking was because I was starting to get sick. The next day I had a fever. Again, more on that next post. (it gets worse)
So we climbed and it took us around three, maybe four hours. This was mostly because I had to take a lot of breaks. But wow. the view every time it wasn't obstructed with trees!
Here's a waterfall that I eventually got to the top of
This was the view from above the waterfall
Sometimes I can't stress enough that these pictures I'm taking really look fake. I promise I was there. Here's my feet on the bridge above that waterfall.
I could also just be a liar and really good at photoshop. You'll never know for sure.
We also stumbled upon a little wooden gazebo that seemingly everyone signed their name on. I decided to go with that trend.
This was also the wrong date, as it was the 17th at the time. I changed it after taking the picture don't worry. But here's halfway up if that helps.
So I didn't take any more pictures until we got to the top because I was grumpy and tired. But let's all take a second and take in this view. The view from the top of the mountain.
This was the overlook I couldn't really get a good picture of because EVERYONE WAS THERE. Tourists, am I right? (this is funny because I am the definition of a tourist). That being said, MORE PICTURES.
If you look at the white path in the third picture, that's what we walked up. The second one might only be halfway up. My pictures got out of order!
So after that, we had to climb back down and catch a train. But of course I took more lake pictures.
That's all for this time! My next blog post from last week should be going up in the next few days. Thanks for going on this adventure with me!